Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What if you can't quit?

Saturday was a scheduled 35 mile afternoon/evening run, with the final 13 miles on the challenging Potowatami Trail (in the Pickney MI area).

Schedules changed and it became a hurried 14+ mile run starting in the late morning, and I proved not at all ready.  I hadn't eaten, didn't warm up, didn't mentally prepare for the hours of running ahead.  When my start time moved from 3pm to "now!"  all careful planning and preparation went out the window and I just needed to run.  Which I did, and way too fast.  Big mistake...

My buddy picked me up (the new plan was for me to just run 'til he caught me) and we drove the balance of the miles to the trail.  Just like that I went from clicking off sub 9's to struggling with something around 11.  "I just need to regroup, get warmed up again..." I told myself.  "It is a difficult trail, relax, you'll be fine..."  I tried to convince my ever doubtful mind and body.  Then, just like that, I was...

First it was just the big hills.  Then the little ones.  Then I didn't need a reason...

I let my buddy go on ahead and I started a litany of "whoa is me" mental breakdown moments.  Which led to...

Wishing (akin to Quitting):
Is there a shortcut?  Maybe a Park Ranger will see me and offer me a ride?  Why did I do this to myself?  I want it to just be over - this was a stupid idea...

Having shuffled my way back to the trail head, we drove off to find something cold to drink and I started to realize what a moment I had missed.  While wallowing in my self induced pity party I completely forgot that I had been doing, even though poorly, what is usually a high point of my day.

While I was wishing I could quit, that my pain would end, that the run would just be done, I forgot a truth that I had promised myself years ago I never would - to never forget those who can't simply choose to quit, to call it a day.  Those that can't say "I don't want to be sick today" or "I don't want to be injured any more".   Having dealt with back pain for nearly 15 years, several times brutally so, I had developed a sensitivity to the mental and physical challenge of chronic injury and disease and never wanted to take something like "just going for a run" for granted.

A cold drink, a cool shower, some time on the couch and I was well on my way to being physically restored.  Simple as that.

After some good fueling and quality rest I did have a recovered body.  The fresh perspective helped to revitalize my spirit.  So, now I am...

Recommitted - to Being and Doing and Growing
  1. "Being" appreciative of all that I have and am able to do - even when it doesn't go as planned.
  2. "Doing" - taking action where I can, especially for those that cannot.  To pray for restoration of body, soul and spirit.  To encourage with a kind word.  To give of my time, talent and treasure. 
  3. "Growing" - continuing to learn from my friends that do struggle with debilitating challenges, and do it with grace and peace and even joy.  You know who you are and you ROCK!
Right now, for me, it means Running for RA!  Even a bad run is still a blessing and in my head I know it is often the bad runs that are especially helpful in preparing you for the truly tough moments (in racing and in life).

Persevering through the tough moments is usually the precursor to the joy of victory.

I will continue to tackle bigger challenges and learn appropriate lessons - trusting that it will guide me to the 100 mile ultra finish line.

Press on friends!
    Your well wishes and encouragement are sure appreciated!  Keep the notes coming :-)
    Won't you also join me and become a financial partner in our mission to raise money for RA Research?  Learn more at:

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    There is no pill for this...

    Ask an accomplished and/or experienced runner about "why" they run and you'll likely get experiences that are much less about the physical than the emotional or spiritual.  They will describe being in the zone, or use terms like flow or floating, excitement, adventure, and challenge.  They will describe benefits such as strength of character, patience, joy, harmony, peace or tranquility. Oh, of course there are myriad physical benefits, but so often those are secondary.

    Ask the same of the new runner and the motivation is usually focused on the physical - weight loss, management of things like diabetes or heart disease.  The new runner will also fixate on the struggles of breathlessness, blisters, shin splints, stuff that jiggles and areas that rub. 

    Running is hard.  The results are priceless.  Sometimes it takes a while to travel from the first experience to the latter.  But it is oh so worth it.

    It's no secret that the world wants what the experienced runner has found.  The world does not want, however, to deal with such things as time management, sacrifice and discipline, blisters, or jiggles and chafing. The world looks for an easier route.

    The way I see it, God created this world for our enjoyment.  Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully designed to experience its sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures.  The plan was simple (but not easy).  The execution (by selfish man) has been poor - seeking instant gratification, pleasure without accountability, and a pill or other such answer when things go wrong.  Perhaps it's time for a change?

    Training for an Ultra Marathon has reminded me that running is hard.  However, the benefits so vastly outweigh the struggle.  Time on the run, whether on road or trail, makes me feel alive and puts all of life's challenges into perspective.  Running alone or with friends, and of course with my Lord all leave indelible memories.  Overcoming fears and doubts or previously perceived limits leaves me with a new level of physical strength and quiet confidence.

    If only I could bottle that and sell it! 

    But alas, I cannot.  Nobody can.  What I can do is promise that you can indeed share in this, and it's simple (but not easy).  What do you say?  As Dave Ramsey likes to say about managing your finances I will say about this topic - Live today like nobody else, so tomorrow you can live like nobody else. 

    Ready...Set...  Get up friends.  Get out.  Get moving.  Face your fears.  Live your dreams.

    Pressing on,